Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Great Balls of Beowulf!

November 2007

Great balls of Beowulf Batman! Okay, okay I’m no super hero sidekick, but thanks to the great folks over at moviehole.net (they hooked me up with free tickets) I have witnessed the future of motion picture entertainment: Beowulf in Imax 3D!
I can’t lie, and I can’t deny, there’s no going back. I’ll never be able to watch traditional projection films again.
Robert Zemeckis has bought us all some great films in the past, Back to The Future and Forest Gump come to mind, but much praise and heaps of thanks to Bob for going with the 3D on Beowulf. I admit that I never watched Beowulf’s predecessor The Polar Express, for whatever reason that film did not appeal to me, but Beowulf
did appeal to me, and I’ll be forever grateful that it was this film that busted my 3D cherry!
Beowulf just sucked me in and filled me with the wild giddy excitement of a 10-year-old boy. It is by far the best film I have seen in over ten years. The 3D was not so much about stuff coming out off of the screen as it was about literally drawing you into the world the filmmakers created. For 1 hour and 54 minutes I was there! Right @#$% there!
Killer kudos to Neil Gaiman and Roger Avery for writing something with an adult audience in mind. Beowulf has some blood and guts amid some of the best action sequences since the original Star Wars trilogy.
No big spoilers here but a quick plot outline. There is a creepy monster haunting a small kingdom and Beowulf is called upon to rid the world of Grendel, the monster. Grendel scared the crap out of me. I was terrified when Grendel first appeared. Thankfully Grendel’s mom just happens to be played by Angelina Jolie! I swear I am not making that up. Angelina Jolie. Naked. In 3D! Why I’d pay to see that! And so should you!
Beowulf is pure cinema magic, total entertainment from start to finish!
The future of cinema has arrived!


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