Saturday, December 1, 2007

Blast From The Past

September 2007

On Remakes

How long before Hollywood starts to remake remakes? I’m just wondering because I watched Halloween recently and the original has only been around since 1978.
Am I really going to have to live through yet another Night He Came Home, if I should
live that long? I’m starting to think that I might. That’s like someone deciding to go ahead and remake Star Wars.
My next huge beef with remakes is how come they are always remaking films that were great to begin with? Don’t get me wrong I realize that from a business standpoint it’s a no-brainer, you do a remake of something good because it at least has a built in audience. I get it. But I don’t get it!
Why don’t they freaking remake movies that could have been good, should have been good, but were not any good. Want a list:
Battlefield Earth
Water World
The League of Extraordinary Gentleman
Van Helsing
Deep Blue Sea
Scooby Doo

I could go on forever of course. And I know that you can easily add a few of your own. Go ahead, think about it. There’s a movie you almost like, it just needed a little more work to make it work, to make it great. That’s it! That’s the remake I want to see.
I want Hollywood to fix their damn abominations! Break out the shovels, dust off the money men, I wan to see a risky remake of something that should have been box office gold in the first fucking place!
That’s it. That’s my pitch on remakes.

Kenneth G. Donnelly


. said...

When are you going to publish "Wolfgang" so THAT can be made into a feature film, Ken?

Take care,


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