Friday, November 30, 2007

Blast From The Past Part 2

September 2007

I took the 3:10 to Park Side Mall in Pinellas Park yesterday to catch 3:10 to Yuma. Giddy up!
I can’t lie. I am such a geek I spent more than a minute thinking: Isn’t Yuma where they filmed Return of The Jedi?
3:10 was a good film, but in my opinion not a great film. I actually wanted to see
Shoot’Em Up, but because I am poor and was just killing some time, I chose to watch the film that had the longest running time, thus I wound up at 3:10 to Yuma.
Here is a real brief plot synopsis: Bad guy robs stage coach. Good guy decides to escort bad guy out of town so that he can collect a reward that will save his family. That’s pretty much it.
What I liked best about 03:10 to Yuma is it at least played like a film by and for adults. No offense to the younger crowd, but I have watched a few movies over that past months that could have been great if the makers would have stopped trying to churn out something “The Whole Family Can Enjoy”. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
I don’t really care for Russell Crowe, but you can’t deny that he was as good in this as he has been in all of his movies. I liked seeing him play a bad guy and he did it well.
Despite how much work he’s been in I have never even heard of Ben Foster, but his turn as Charlie Prince was great. Okay that’s the thing, all of the acting was top notch and believable. I knew I was looking at people I had seen before, and their acting was so good I could not place where I had seen them. This is brilliant film making in my opinion.
My favorite part: They are escaping from the Union Pacific Railroad construction
site and they are on horse back and one guy is going on about how he clocked some guy with a shovel and then just then he gets shot and falls off his horse. I loved the whole Union Pacific Railroad construction sequence. It was cool.
I thought the ending of the film was weak, and not believable. Not sure what they could have done different, but something needed to be tweaked in the script. They had me up until Crowe and Bale leave the hotel and head for the train. There was a lot of action but I just couldn’t buy it. Despite that I had a great time on the 3:10 to Yuma.

* * * * * * out of 10 = 6/10



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