Friday, November 9, 2007

Confessions of A Peanut Butter Junkie

Interlude: Violence In Video Games or Shut up And Swallow
Today I want to weigh in on something that has been bothering me for a long time now.
The ridiculous controversy over violence in video games. Video games do not make people want to kill. I don’t care how violent they are. I don’t care how repetitive the violence in the video game is. I don’t care how realistic the violence in video games is.
Violence in video games does not make a person want to kill.
The same idiots who will look at violent video games and say they are making kids into killers will look at movies and say the same thing about movies.
“There’s too much violence in movies,” they’ll say.
John Carpenter’s Classic “Halloween” opened in 1978. It spawned countless sequels and ushered in the age of the slasher film.
If I started counting these teen slasher movies right now I’d still be counting on judgment
day. And I am not ashamed to admit that I have seen a ton of them. Hell I have seen Friday The 13th X. Do you know what the X is for? Ten. It is the roman numeral 10. Okay the movie was actually called Jason X, but what ever.
Do you know how many times I have thought of picking up a knife or an axe or a spear or a…whatever and killing someone with it? None.
If these films are so influential on fragile young minds why are the school shootings …Shootings? Wouldn’t the kids be going to school in goalie masks brandishing meat cleavers or axes or something? But it doesn’t happen this way does it?
You don’t have to be smart to know that shooting is a little bit easier than chopping
right? I mean with a gun it’s as easy as a Polaroid. You just point and shoot.
So that brings us to the video games.
If I liked violent movies, and I do; how do you think I feel about violent video games?
I have played Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and loved the crap out of them. Hiding bodies. Creeping up on some guy …I mean hiding in the shadows and literally stalking a guy like prey…and then doing what has to been done.
I’m a guy. A Dude. I was born with a cock and two fucking balls!
You want me sedated give me some fucking drugs, otherwise like it or not in the hunter gatherer world we live in –despite the fact the woman burned their freaking bras and now too can enjoy the hunt if they so desire-I am a spear carrying, hunter. It’s in me baby!
Virtual killing rules and that’s that!
And I hate actual hunting. Call me a sissy. Go ahead. I dare ya!
I don’t want to kill an animal. God help me if the day should ever come that I have to kill and cook my own dinner. I would like to think that if it did, that starvation would lead me to do what has to be done. But I swear I am not so sure.
But pounding some fools head in with my elbow in a round of Halo 2 on Xbox live.
This is everything that the sport of hunting should be with out any of the guilt or dead animals. Period. How many times did it make me want to pound some guys head in with my elbow in the real world? None. Zero. Zilch.
And I loved all the Resident Evil games. From 1 to 4 I’ve played them all. Hope to play 5 on a 360 if I should live that long. For me the Resident Evil games mix the perfect amount of creepy with just the right amount of virtual killing. Remember they’re zombies in Resident Evil so they’re already dead!
I have never owned a gun. Don’t even like guns. And I’ve fired the M16 and the M60. The M60 with tracers was a blast it really was. Night fire with tracers and the M60 was great. And yet I hated it. I don’t like guns. Not real ones any way.
But finding a place to hide in Rainbow Six and just sniping the crap out of anyone who wanders into my sites! Why can’t this be looked upon as a sport? Why?
If instead we all got hooked on something like Barney the purple dinosaur would it be a better world. No. It. Would. Not.
I don’t have a son and never will. But if I did I would much rather see my son play a stupid video game, even one that depicted with brilliant graphic intensity; killing other humans, then actually coming to me and saying, “Dad can we go hunting. I wanna learn the fine art of stalking and killing animals for fun? Hu? Hu? Can we dad?”
I think society is trying to change us all into woman. I really do. One big giant gender bender. NO hunting. No fishing. No virtual killing. Just SHE and Barney.
Who will hunt in a world full only of gatherers?

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